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Epson Perfection V10 Ravni skener

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08 Apr 2020, 10:09:56
Short summary description Epson Perfection V10 Ravni skener:

Epson Perfection V10, 216 x 297 mm, 48 bita, 34 s/strana, Ravni skener, CCD, WCC FL

Long summary description Epson Perfection V10 Ravni skener:

Epson Perfection V10. Maksimalna veličina skeniranja: 216 x 297 mm, Ulazna dubina boja: 48 bita, Brzina skeniranja ravnim skenerom (crno-belo, A4): 34 s/strana. Tip skeniranja: Ravni skener. Tipovi senzora: CCD, Izvor svetlosti: WCC FL. Standardni interfejsi: USB 2.0. Potrošnja energije: 16 W, Potrošnja energije (standbz): 3,5 W

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