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Leitz Cardboard binder 180° Carpeta d'anelles A4 Gris

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22 Apr 2024, 13:24:03
Short summary description Leitz Cardboard binder 180° Carpeta d'anelles A4 Gris:

Leitz Cardboard binder 180°, A4, Gris, 350 fulles, 5,2 cm, 55 mm, 320 mm

Long summary description Leitz Cardboard binder 180° Carpeta d'anelles A4 Gris:

Leitz Cardboard binder 180°. Format: A4, Color de producte: Gris, Capacitat màxima: 350 fulles. Amplada: 55 mm, Alçada: 320 mm, Pes: 490 g

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