Notebook ISDN PC-Card
128K ISDN PC-Card to expand a notebook with a ISDN adapter and to make a connection to the internet.
This 128 kbps ISDN PC-Card of Conceptronic can send and receive data with a speed of 128 kbps (2x 64 kbps) and can be used for internet, telebanking and teleworking videoconferencing. The 128CC fits in every type II notebook slot without the need of using separate dongles. The included software makes it possible to install this ISDN adapter as a 14K4 bps modem with fax functions and answeringmachine.
Conceptronic 128 Kbps Internal ISDN adapter, 128, 14.4, 16 MB, Pentium 133 MHz
Conceptronic 128 Kbps Internal ISDN adapter. Modem speed: 128, 14.4. Minimum RAM: 16 MB, Minimum processor: Pentium 133 MHz